Polarith AI
API Reference
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NPolarithAll software modules within this namespace were written by Polarith
 NAIEverything which belongs to this namespace is related to artificial intelligence
 NCriteriaCollection of interfaces and abstract classes which form the foundation of a working multi-criteria optimization pipeline
 NMoveContains everything for creating moving agents utilizing multi-criteria optimized context steering
 NUnityUtilsContains additional Unity functionality which is reused in different projects of Polarith
 CArrowGizmoRepresents an arrow gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CAssignmentSolverProvides different logics to solve the assignment problem
 CBoxGizmoRepresents a box gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CCircleGizmoRepresents a circle gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CColorsCollection of colors used by Polarith for design
 CGameObjectsProvides additional functionality for the handling of Unity's GameObject class
 CGridGizmoRepresents a grid gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CLayerAttributeAn attribute for fields representing Unity layers
 CMathvProvides some basic mathematical functionalities for working with vector-based geometry like lines or planes
 CNavMeshAreaMaskAttributeThis attribute allows to display an int value as a mask field
 COpenRangeMaxAttributeThis attribute sets an upper limit to a numerical field
 COpenRangeMinAttributeThis attribute sets a lower limit to a numerical field
 CPlaneGizmoRepresents a plane gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CRaycastGizmoUsed to visualize a ray that is cast into the scene to sense something
 CSphereGizmoRepresents a gizmo to be drawn within the scene view which might indicate the position of a possible target
 CTagAttributeAn attribute for fields representing Unity tags
 CVelocityGizmoA gizmo that displays a velocity by visualizing both a direction vector and predicted position relative to a given point
 CVGizmoRepresents a V-gizmo to be drawn within the scene view
 CWireSphereGizmoRepresents a gizmo to be drawn within the scene view which might indicate ranges in 3D
 NUtilsContains additional pure C# functionality which is reused in different projects of Polarith
 CCollectionsContains additional (helper) functionality dealing with collections
 CMathf2Utilities providing math functionality
 CTupleStruct to store two variables (X,Y) of any type
 CTupleIntSerializable struct to store two variables (X,Y) of type integer