Polarith AI
SeekBounds Class Reference


SeekBounds uses the bounding box of each percept as a possible target (back-end class).

Extending the RadiusSteeringBehaviour, this class implements a similar behaviour as Seek. The main difference being that this behaviour considers the bounding box information of the current percept. SeekBounds writes high magnitude values for receptors facing directly towards the bounding box of the percept.

Back-end class of AIMSeekBounds. This behaviour is thread-safe.

Inheritance diagram for SeekBounds:
RadiusSteeringBehaviour SteeringBehaviour PerceptBehaviour< SteeringPercept > FleeBounds

Public Fields

BoundsType BoundsType = BoundsType.ColliderOBB
 Determines which bounding box model is used for this behaviour. More...
float InnerRadius = 0.0f
 The minimum radius for considering percepts. More...
float OuterRadius = 20f
 The maximum radius for considering percepts. More...
MappingType RadiusMapping = MappingType.InverseLinear
 Determines how the startMagnitude is mapped according to the InnerRadius and OuterRadius. More...
Vector3 ResultDirection
 The direction vector used for obtaining objective values. More...
float ResultMagnitude
 The magnitude value used for obtaining objective values. More...
int TargetObjective
 Defines the objective for writing values. More...
float MagnitudeMultiplier = 1f
 Is multiplied to the ResultMagnitude in order to weight between different behaviours. More...
float SensitivityOffset
 Is added to the Structure.Sensitivity as threshold for writing objective values. More...
ValueWritingType ValueWriting = ValueWritingType.AssignGreater
 Sets the type for writing objective values. More...
LayerBlendingType LayerBlending = LayerBlendingType.None
 Sets the operation for blending the behaviour results into the context. More...
LayerNormalizationType LayerNormalization = LayerNormalizationType.None
 Sets the method for normalizing intermediate objective values while they are blended into the context. More...
MappingType ValueMapping = MappingType.InverseLinear
 Sets the mapping type for obtaining objective values. More...
bool UseSignificance = true
 Determines if the SteeringPercept.Significance (if there is a AIMSteeringTag) is multiplied to the ResultMagnitude in order to weight between different percepts. More...
bool UseSensorProjection = true
 If true, Sensor.ProjectionMode is used as VectorProjection. More...
VectorProjectionType VectorProjection = VectorProjectionType.None
 Sets the type for projecting the perceived vector data into a plane. More...
PresetVelocityType PresetVelocity = PresetVelocityType.None
 If the value is anything other than PresetVelocityType.None, a game object's rotation and default forward direction is used to approximate its actual velocity. More...
PredictionType Prediction = PredictionType.None
 If set to anything other than PredictionType.None, the position of the Self percept is updated according to the given velocity. More...
float PredictionMagnitude = 0.0f
 Scales the velocity vector used for predicting the possible future position of an agent if Prediction is set to PredictionType.PredictionMagnitude. More...
readonly IList< T > Percepts
 All percepts which are relevant for an agent. More...

Protected Fields

float invertFactor = 1.0f
 Is applied to both the RadiusSteeringBehaviour.startDirection and the direction of the current receptor. More...
Vector3 startDirection
 Direction from the self position to the percept position (including distance magnitude). More...
float startMagnitude
 Magnitude obtained from mapping the percept position relative to InnerRadius and OuterRadius. More...
float sqrInnerRadius
 Squared InnerRadius. More...
float sqrOuterRadius
 Squared OuterRadius. More...
readonly SteeringPercept self = new SteeringPercept()
 The data of the associated agent itself (read only). More...
readonly SteeringPercept percept = new SteeringPercept()
 The data of the currently processed percept (read only). More...
IList< float > objective
 Quick access to the currently processed objective. More...
ISensor< Structuresensor
 Quick access to the currently processed sensor. More...
IReceptor< Structurereceptor
 Quick access to the currently processed receptor. More...
Structure structure
 Quick access to the currently processed structure. More...
Vector3 velocity = Vector3.forward
 The forward direction the agent moves towards and/or looks at by default. More...


override bool forEachPercept [get]
 Determines if SteeringBehaviour.PerceptSteering is called within SteeringBehaviour.Behave (read only). More...
override bool forEachReceptor [get]
 Determines if SteeringBehaviour.ReceptorSteering is called within SteeringBehaviour.Behave (read only). More...
override SteeringPercept Self [get, set]
 The data of the associated agent itself. More...

Public Methods

override void Behave ()
 This method executes the main context steering algorithm and is called within Context.Evaluate in order to set/modify objective values for the associated Context.Problem. More...

Protected Methods

override bool StartSteering ()
 Checks if the distance from the agent to the percept is in between the specified radii (see RadiusSteeringBehaviour.InnerRadius and RadiusSteeringBehaviour.InnerRadius). More...
virtual void PerceptSteering ()
 This method gets called once for each processed percept. More...
virtual void ReceptorSteering ()
 This method gets called for each active shape receptor for each processed percept. More...