Polarith AI

Contains information about general aspects of Polarith AI. All important parts of the AI for Movement (AIM) are documented here.


Helps you to gain general knowledge about the whole AIM system and to learn more about how everything is connected and works together. We highly recommend to study this section first, after you have finished the quick start guide.


Provides information about our Sensor model which is used by agents to sample the world around them.


The perception pipeline is the key element to control what agents perceive. This section also contains information on what data a percept (perceived game object) contains.


Describes how to integrate custom path structures and pathfinding solutions.


Provides in-depth information about our behaviours and how they work, whereby it describes the basic principles of the following topics.


Shows you how to use the formation components. You will find an overview of the in-build formation behaviours and how they are configured in combination with other behaviours. Additionally we will give you insights how you can create your own formation behaviour, or a custom configurator.


Contains general information about character controller mechanisms and how the output of our AI system can be used in conjunction with your own controllers.
