Polarith AI

The final results or (movement) decisions of the AI system are normally used by some kind of character controller to translate the made decision into actual movement. So it was necessary for us to ship a few example character controllers with this plugin to show you how this works. We are going to make these parts of our system open-source on GitHub as soon as possible.

However, it is strongly recommended to implement your own controllers because we cannot predict the needs of your application or game. The following components are merely example components so that you can quickly test our behaviours or your own implementations to get a better understanding for how things work.

The inbuilt basic controllers are:

Remarks on Line-Shaped Sensors

The controllers we ship with our plugin are only suitable for circle-shaped sensors, i.e. for sensors where all receptors have got the same position. But there are special use cases where you definitely should prefer a line sensor over a circle sensor. For example, image that you are making a racing game and your computer-controlled characters move along splines you have created for each individual character. Then, it would be great to use a line sensor in order to find out how much the movement needs to deviate from the spline for each character to avoid obstacles and so forth. Such kind of movement AI is, e.g., used in the racing game F1, where it could greatly reduce the overall AI code base by half while the AI behaviour was improved.
