Polarith AI
AIMFormation Class Reference


AIMFormation provides general information of a formation to compute an agent's position in derived formations based on its position in the formation, the formation size, and the reference object or position.

Reference object or position as TargetObject, TargetPosition, or TargetTag is considered in the back-end behaviour Formation to obtain a transformation of the formation to the reference, i.e., the formation's center.

Front-end component of all underlying Formation classes.

Inheritance diagram for AIMFormation:
AIMSteeringBehaviour AIMPerceptBehaviour< SteeringPercept > AIMFormationArrow AIMFormationBox AIMFormationCircle AIMFormationCross AIMFormationLine AIMFormationV

Public Fields

List< string > FilteredEnvironments
 All environments to obtain the percepts for. More...
List< GameObject > GameObjects
 Allows to specify custom objects which should be processed by this behaviour. More...

Protected Fields

WireSphereGizmo innerRadiusGizmo = new WireSphereGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the inner radius (editor only). More...
WireSphereGizmo outerRadiusGizmo = new WireSphereGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the outer radius (editor only). More...
WireSphereGizmo arriveRadiusGizmo = new WireSphereGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the arrive radius (editor only). More...
CircleGizmo innerCircleGizmo = new CircleGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the inner radius for planar sensor shapes (editor only). More...
CircleGizmo outerCircleGizmo = new CircleGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the outer radius for planar sensor shapes (editor only). More...
CircleGizmo arriveCircleGizmo = new CircleGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the arrive radius for planar sensor shapes (editor only). More...
VelocityGizmo velocityGizmo = new VelocityGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the velocity (editor only). More...


GameObject TargetObject [get, set]
 The target game object used by the agent as reference for the formation. More...
Vector3 TargetPosition [get, set]
 The target position used by the agent as reference, therefore, the TargetObject must be null. More...
string TargetTag [get, set]
 The target tag to get the TargetObject by its tag, therefore, the targetObject must be null. More...
abstract Formation Formation [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class Move.Formation (read only). More...
abstract SteeringBehaviour SteeringBehaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...
override PerceptBehaviour< SteeringPerceptPerceptBehaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...
override MoveBehaviour Behaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...

Public Methods

override void PrepareEvaluation ()
 When AIMSteeringBehaviour.PrepareEvaluation is called, this method is used in order to transfer the data from TargetObject or TargetPosition to AIMPerceptBehaviour<T>.GameObjects. More...

Protected Methods

override void OnDrawGizmos ()
 Visualizes the core functions of a Formation such as the radii of the catch-up system. More...
override void OnValidate ()
 This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (editor only). More...
override void OnEnable ()
 This method is called when the object becomes enabled and active. More...